Selected Publications
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Xiaodong Wei, Xin Li, Kuanren Qian, Thomas J.R. Hughes, Yongjie Jessica Zhang, Hugo Casquero. Analysis-suitable unstructured T-splines: Multiple extraordinary points per face, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2021.
Xilinag Li, Xin Li. AS++ T-splines: arbitrary degree, nestedness and approximation, Numerische Mathematik, 2021.
Xiaodong Wei, Xin Li, Yongjie Jiessica Zhang, T. J. R. Hughes. Tuned Hybrid Non-Uniform Subdivision Surfaces with Optimal Convergence Rates, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 122(9), 2117-2144, 2021.
Wujie Liu, Xin Li. Can a cubic spline curve be G3, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 39(2), 178-191, 2021.
Md Nur Alam, Xin Li. Non-uniform Doo-Sabin Subdivision Surface via Eigen Polygon, J Syst Sci Complex, 34(1), 3-20, 2021.
Yufeng Tian, Xin Li, Falai Chen. Non-Uniform Subdivision Surfaces with Sharp Features, COMPUTER GRAPHICS forum, 39(6), 232-242,2020.
Hongmei Kang, Xin Li. de Boor-like evaluation algorithm for Analysis-suitable T-splines, Graphical models, 106, 2019.
Hongmei Kang, Mingjun Lai, Xin Li. An economical representation of PDE solution by using
compressive sensing approach, Computer-Aided Design, 115, 78-86, 2019.
Xin Li, Xiaodong Wei, Yongjie Jessica Zhang. Hybrid non-uniform recursive subdivision
Surface with improved convergence rates, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 352, 606-624, 2019.
Xin Li, T. W. sederberg. S-Splines: A Simple Surface Solution for IGA and CAD, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 350, 15 , 664-678, 2019.
Jingjing Zhang, Xin Li. Local refinement for analysis-suitable++ T-splines, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 342, 32-45, 2018.
Xiaodong Wei, Yongjie Jessica Zhang, Deepesh Toshniwal, Hendrik Speleers, Xin Li, Carla Manni,
John A. Evans, Thomas J.R. Hughes. Blended B-Spline Construction on Unstructured Quadrilateral and
Hexahedral Meshes with Optimal Convergence Rates in Isogeometric
Analysis, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 341, 608-639, 2018.
Xin Li, Jingjing Zhang. AS++ T-splines: Linear independence and Approximation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 333, 462-474, 2018.
Xin Li, Yubo Chang. Non-uniform interpolatory subdivision surface, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 239-253, 2018.
Hongmei Kang, Xin Li, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen. Truncated Hierarchical Loop Subdivision Surfaces and Application in Isogeometric Analysis, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 72, 2041-2055, 2016.
Jingjing Zhang, Xin Li, On degree elevation of T-splines, CAGD, Vol 46(2), 16-29, 2016.
Xin Li, G. T. Finnigan, T. W. Sederberg, G1 Non-Uniform Catmull-Clark Surfaces, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph), 35(4), 2016.
Xin Li, Jiansong Deng, On the dimension of splines spaces over T-meshes with smoothing
cofactor-conformality method, CAGD, Volume 41, 76-86, 2016.
Xin Li, Falai Chen, Hongmei Kang, Jiansong Deng, A survey on the local refinable splines, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, Vol 59(4), 617-644, 2016. [paper]
Jingjing Zhang, Xin Li, On the linear independence and partition of unity of arbitrary degree analysis-suitable T-splines, Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, Vol 3(3),353-364, 2015.
Xin Li, Some properties for Analysis-suitable T-splines, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol.33, No.4, 427-440, 2015.
Chao Zeng, Fang Deng, Xin Li, Jiansong Deng, Dimensions of biquadratic and bicubic spline spaces over hierarchical T-meshes,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol 287, 162-178, 2015.
E.J. Evans, M.A. Scott, Xin. Li, D.C. Thomas Hierarchical T-splines: Analysis-suitability, Bezier extraction, and application as an adaptive basis for isogeometric analysis, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Vol. 284, No. 01, pp. 1-20 (2015). [paper]
Xin Li, M.A. Scott. Analysis-suitable T-splines: characterization, refineability, and approximation, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences,Vol. 24, No. 06, pp.1141-1164 (2014). [paper]
Xin Li, jianmin Zheng. Interproximate Curve Subdivision, Journal of computation and applied mathematics, 244(5), 36-48, 2013. [paper]
Xin Li, Zhangjin Huang, Zhao Liu. A Geometric approach to Multi-degree spline, Journal of computer science and technology, Vol. 27(4): 841-850, 2012.
Xin Li, jianmin Zheng. An alternative method for constructing interpolatory subdivision
from approximating subdivision. CAGD, Vol 29(7): 474-484, 2012. [paper]
M. A. Scott, Xin Li, T.W.Sederberg, T, Hughes. Local refinement of Analysis-suitable Tsplines, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , Volumes 213-216, 1-3,206-222, 2012.
Xin Li, T.W.Sederberg, Jianmin Zheng, T. Hughes, M. A. Scott. On linear independency of Tsplines blending functions, Computer Aided Geometric Design , 29(1): 63-76, 2012. [paper]
Xin Li, Falai Chen. On the instability in the dimension of splines spaces over T-meshes, Computer Aided Geometric Design , 28(7): 420-426, 2011. [paper]
T. W. Sederberg, Hongwei Lin, Xin Li: Curvature of singular Bzier curves and surfaces, Computer Aided Geometric Design , 28(4): 233-244, 2011. [paper]
Xin Li, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen. Polynomial splines over general T-meshes. The Visual Computer , 277-286, 2010.
Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen, Xin Li, Changqi Hu, Weihua Tong, Zhouwang Yang, Yu-Yu Feng. Polynomial splines over hierarchical T-meshes. Graphical Models, 76-86, 2008. [paper]
T. W. Sederberg, G. T. Finnigan, Xin Li, Hongwei Lin, Heather Ipson. Watertight trimmed NURBS. ACM Trans. Graph., 2008. [paper] |
Xin Li, Jiansong Deng, Falai Chen. Surface modeling with polynomial splines over hierarchical T-meshes. The Visual Computer , 1027-1033, 2007. [paper]